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Home » The Truck Dispensed Domino Stunt Set – includes a vehicle that automatically helps set up the dominos

The Truck Dispensed Domino Stunt Set – includes a vehicle that automatically helps set up the dominos

  • Toys

The Truck Dispensed Domino Stunt Set [SOURCE] is a uniquely designed domino set that uses truck to automatically help domino set up.

This domino stunt set already includes a battery powered truck capable of holding 30 dominos at the same time automatically places them apart at an ideal distance perfect for providing kids some domino activity right at their very own activity area.

The Truck Dispensed Domino Stunt Set

The Truck Dispensed Domino Stunt Set

The truck features a directional switch right at its bottom used to route it in either straight or curved path layouts while the included 2 different stunts like launch pad will perfectly send a foam rocket or plane into the air to signal a successful installation of dominos.

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The Truck Dispensed Domino Stunt Set is perfect in providing kids with some unlimited fun hours and creative play, thanks to the 180 included dominos, 4 speed tracks and different stunt components, now kids will enjoy building and layouting domino courses and layouts for some active fun and play every time.

Watch the truck set up dominos [HERE].