The Junior Explorer’s Talking Wildlife Viewfinder (available here) is unique because besides teaching your kids about animals and their habitats, this viewfinder is also capable of providing different wildlife scenes complete with important facts narrated by Robert Irwin.

This Talking Viewfinder works simply by allowing the kids to cycle through different animal images instead of taking pictures, thanks to its included viewfinder tripod, sitting it on top of your kids table in order to give that real-life like camera look is just a great addition especially for those nature lovers out there.

Talking Wildlife Viewfinder

The Junior Explorer’s Talking Wildlife Viewfinder

Perfect for wannabe explorers, this viewfinder even includes an audio quiz where it challenges junior explorers to memorize and remember what they have learned about the animal and even their ecosystem.

Read Also: The Future Influencer’s Camera Set – equipped with on-screen editing and special effects to create unique content

Talking Wildlife Viewfinder1

The Junior Explorer’s Talking Wildlife Viewfinder is perfect for kids ages 4 years old and above and needs triple-a batteries for the viewfinder to start working and best of all, it only measures 10x8x5.5 inches in height, width and diameter respectively. Weighs only 2lbs.

You can buy the children’s talking viewfinder for only $79.95 with lifetime guarantee.

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