If you are looking for a unique learning blocks that will teach your kids about shapes and colors then the Award Winning Illuminated Learning Blocks [SOURCE] is your perfect option simply because besides its unique design that will keep toddlers from learning about shapes and colors it also includes some activity that older kids will definitely enjoy like learn about reading, arithmetic, writing and more.
The Award Winning Illuminated Learning Blocks consists of 3 dozen blocks, a pegboard that when plugged together will emit a nice and colorful glow enough to entice young learners.
The Award Winning Illuminated Learning Blocks
Other feature includes stacking of blocks straight into the tower that kids will surely love, things like reciting their favorite ABCs or even practicing their multiplication tables to solving math equations are just one of the many ways on how small kids learn.
You want to teach young children to compose sentences or give them up to 39 different games including their favorite tic tac toe or checker game? Give them this award winning illuminated learning blocks.
This board game already includes a storage container and needs 3 double-a batteries to keep young kids busy every time.
Visit [THIS PAGE] for other important features.