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zipline kit for kids

Kids Backyard Zipline

Kids Backyard Zipline – Allows kids to swoop through the air while remaining close to the ground

Looking for a perfect zipline for your kids? Give them the Kids Backyard Zipline [SOURCE], a sturdy backyard zipline kit designed for kids who loves to swoop thru the air, thanks to the zipline’s built-in sturdy seat where zipliners can easily slide through the air while remaining close to the ground. Kids Backyard Zipline Kids Backyard Zipline is fun to ride with plus it even lessens the stress on your kids arms, thanks to the… Read More »Kids Backyard Zipline – Allows kids to swoop through the air while remaining close to the ground

The Seated Backyard Zipline Kit

The Seated Backyard Zipline Kit – Allows young zip liners to glide through the air comfortably right at their very own backyard

You want to keep your kids busy this summer? Give them the Seated Backyard Zipline Kit [VIDEO], an exclusive Hammacher backyard zipline kit that already includes a built-in seat so kids can drive down through the air while keeping the kids close to the ground. The Seated Backyard Zipline Kit This seated backyard zipline kit is capable of supporting zipliners up to 250lbs and is perfect for kids ages 8 years old and above, it… Read More »The Seated Backyard Zipline Kit – Allows young zip liners to glide through the air comfortably right at their very own backyard